Wednesday, 31 August 2011


The plight of these poor people who are being driven out of their homes by a US government agency really touched my heart. If heart compels you, please share this video that tells their story with others. Please let people know what is happening, this is a human rights and eco issue. 


One of the men that built his house in the Mojave Desert, California is now in prison after he was forced to demolish his home. Another man is an ex-veteran, that is being forced to demolish his property that he purchased.  He doesn't have anywhere else to live. Some people have lived in Antelope Valley for 22 years. County government officials entered their land without any warrant to do so. People are also being forced against their will, to get on the grid at a time when we are advising people to get off of the grid. One of these men is disabled, and in a wheelchair, he and his wife have been told to destroy their home. 

What is happening to these people in the Mojave desert is a contravention of the UN Agenda 21, Earth Charter, Human Rights and Privacy laws. Once against governments are transgressing international law and agreements both in the US and the UK. 

Agenda 21, Earth Charter defends the human right of the people to live ecologically, self-sustainably and off the grid. 

10 environmental organizations have already taken action in this region to stop new roads being built. The fact, that application for new roads is being requested, is a clear sign that the US government is selling off public land to developers. The US District Judge Susan Illston as done a grand job in defending the environment, and delaying the action of building any main roads. The US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) as to reapply to the court in 2014. 

"Judge Illston found that the bureau had inadequately analyzed the routes' impacts on air quality, soils, plant communities, riparian habitats, and sensitive species such as the endangered Mojave fringe-toed lizard, pointing out that the desert and its resources are "extremely fragile, easily scarred, and slowly healed."[1]

However, that ruling did not have anything to do with what is happening to these people in the video. The people do have time, to organize, work together and help defend these people that are being forced to leave their land. Of course, if this land that the government requires is swept clean of homes and gardens. When the time comes to purchase their land, the purchasers get to buy it at a lower financial value.  This is forward planning by the government on behalf of the corporations. The eco-warriors in the USA can act now, and put a stop to this once and for all. However, it does require people from different disciplines to come together and work together for the benefit of all. 

This isn't just about the environment, it is about the human right to live ecologically and self-sustainably without government interference, throughout the USA. 

I can understand why the LORD God is not happy about LA. 

El desierto del Mojave, we hold you in our heart, and will do what we can to support your case. 

The Antelope defends the Tree of Life. 

Thank you to Reason TV and the LA journalist for getting involved as well. 



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