Sunday 28 August 2011


In our post on the 'DIVINE STRONGHOLD', we mentioned EL-BERITH and it is worthy to make a specific post on that part of the original post.

In the last post we mentioned the temple/house.  In the book of Judges it mentions that the people of Shechem went into the stronghold of EL-Berith. EL-Berith means 'god of the covenant'. It was a god worshipped in a temple of Shechem, it had a stronghold, citadel guarding it but it was set on fire with the people inside it. [2] So what does this tell you? If people worship a person and make a temple of worship for that person, then they are set on fire. Just like the Prince of Peace Church in Philadelphia, was set on fire when we flew into Babylon in 2008. 

That is why, in the Christ teachings they were warned not to upon build his foundations with building materials. No buildings of worship. That is why in the book of Revelation there is no religious buildings of worship in New Jerusalem. The city of enlightenment predicted by Prophet Isaiah, is for enlightened people. 

What does a city of enlightened people require places of worship for? They do not, they are far beyond earthly reality, earthly reality that as kept people in the never ending karmic cycles. Hence, why Christ rebuked his followers when they were intoxicated by his love energy. (Gospel of Thomas) 

He did not allow them to worship him like Sai Baba and the other Indian Guru's have done. No, he would have none of it. He knew his place as a Son of God, in the same why that I know my place, humble in the eyes of the LORD God for doing his will 24/7. In giving everything that she had to give at the same time as asking for nothing for herself or her son. In her selflessness and humility, she was given it all, because she did it all for love from a heart of pure intention. What she was given by the LORD God is priceless, far beyond most people's comprehension, and that includes the cutting edge scientists. 

Know the difference between a 'god' and God. Know the difference between a king and King. The difference between a Lord and LORD. 



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