Monday 1 August 2011

Prior of the Black Abbey Ireland

This story made me laugh tonight. Staff writer, Cathy Hayes from Irish Central wrote about Catholics that walked out of the Church due to comments made by the priest about the Jewish people.

A priest talked about conspiracies in Church whatever next. Fr Eddie Conway, said "that the scandal was a bad thing but that there was a bigger agenda that would become obvious in the next short while."  He also said 'There was a lot more going on'. He was warned not to speak to the media. 

You can be sure of that Mr Conway. Go look at the Jesse Fresco in the Vatican and you will see Messiah Joseph. Then go and look at the ELIAKIM fresco and you will see me again. Michelangelo knew the truth that the Catholic Church have kept hidden from the people. 

Also in the bible the people were warned not to build upon his foundations with building materials, that meant no churches. 


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