Wednesday 18 January 2012

Why Do People Perish?

Luke chapter 13 3-5  tells you why. In that chapter Jesus mentions the 'guilty' and healers know that guilt breaks down the immune system because it is like a poison to it. It is just one of many core issues that have a root cause that can be healed. Jesus was explaining that there was no difference between the people, because they all held something inside themselves.

In that translation the Church as used the word repent. When in fact, Jesus would have used the terminology teshuvah. Teshuvah in Hebrew/Aramaic means to return, e.g. return to the sacred. He was telling them that if they do not return to the sacred then they will all perish. In the Gospel of Thomas he speaks of it terms of what people hold inside of them, and that is why he told the Jewish priests to clean their cups and plates. Prophet Ezekiel described it as 'dead mens bones'.

Jesus mentions a natural disaster of the  'tower of Siloam' that fell on 18 people who died and I have never heard of that story before. 18 is also the soferim of 'Materialism that is striving to destroy spirituality'. Of course, serious spirituality is all about the sacred. Apparently, the archaelogists have found the remains of the footing of the 'Tower of Siloam' and it was a circular structure. It is written that it was in a strategic location, the spring was the central point of the city.

In the Maccabean period, the Syrians took control of the entire city and the temple became the highest point. Apparently, the Romans built the temple mount when they took control of the area. There is also mention of a 'Tower of Antonia'. Orthodox Jews then would not enter the city and it relates to their view of being 'defiled' by it.

Pilate shed blood and the Torah tells people not to pollute the land with bloodshed. However, Jesus was telling the people that they were no different to Pilate. Why? Just like Pilate had made others perish, the people themselves were making themselves perish. In this chapter Jesus does not differientiate between people that are called 'criminals'. Why? They have all transgressed the spiritual law of the cosmos. So in his view they are all the same as Pilate. Why? He knew that people who did not heal within would perish, and Pilate was not a healer but a murderer. All were living in adharma because they had not returned to the sacred within themselves.

There is no other mention of this story in the bible. As such, we do not know for sure how the tower was destroyed although one can certainly understand how it could have happened. Pilate murders the people, the people destroy the place where it happened and 18 die in the process.

Hence why Jesus told the people, to return to the sacred or perish. Then he told them a parable about the fig tree how it did not have any fruit on it. After three years there was no fruit, and the man said 'Cut it down!'. Why should it use up the soil? "Sir, the man replied, 'leave it alone for one more year, and I'll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down".

The fig tree is symbolic of the orthodox and in some texts it also relates to Israel. Jesus was telling the people that the orthodox in Israel did not have any High Priests/Priestesses because the fig did not bear fruit. The same principle and parable can also apply to the orthodox in Islam, Buddhism and Christianity because they all have a connection with the fig and orthodoxy.

So in the teachings of Jesus the orthodox mindsets were no different to the murdering Pilate. That also applies to the academics, scientists, doctors, and every man and woman that has not returned to the sacred. Jesus taught wholeness and the opposite of that is fragmentation. Jesus was not only a healer, he was a shamanic healer. He helped people to assemble themselves, and in the Christian translations the word 'assemble' has been translated as 'purchased'. The word purchased appears in Rev 14 to do with the 144,000. So then you can also understand that the 144,000 are also shamanic healers that allowed him to show them the way to help people to 'assemble' themselves. They followed the lamb wherever he led them, because they had no attachment to an orthodox belief system.

Due to their non-attachment, they did not judge where he led them, they just trusted that they were being shown the right way to go. The way that would stop people from perishing, and help them with their return to the sacred.



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