Tuesday 24 May 2011


Here is a section from the most recent press report from the BBC about the meeting between David Cameron and Obama. 
"Mr Obama and Mr Cameron said of their countries' relationship: "Ours is not just a special relationship, it is an essential relationship - for us and for the world.
"When the United States and Britain stand together, our people and people around the world can become more secure and more prosperous.
"The reason it thrives is because it advances our common interests and shared values. It is a perfect alignment of what we both need and what we both believe."

They also vowed not to abandon the protesters fighting for democracy in Arab countries, writing that they would "stand with those who want to bring light into dark, support those who seek freedom in place of repression, aid those laying the building blocks of democracy.
"We will not stand by as their aspirations get crushed in a hail of bombs, bullets and mortar fire," said the two leaders.
"We are reluctant to use force, but when our interests and values come together, we know we have a responsibility to act."
No David Cameron, the British people do not share the same values with the Americans. Americans view 'guns' as a symbol of freedom. The British people view them as a symbol of oppression. That is not the same values at all. 
The people do not agree with what as been done in Libya or the way that it as been handled. We do not agree with what Obama did in Pakistan either from the moment that he took office. Choose your bed mates carefully David Cameron, China as given Obama an ultimatum and is talking about war. You see that is what warmongers attract, more war. Its all part of the law of attraction and the spiritual law of cause and effect. While you two are talking about your essential relationship. The people are not buying into the Bin Laden story and they still don't buy 9/11 either. 
You speak of oppression of the Middle East and the people in the UK are also oppressed by your government, its systems and your henchmen. You might not use guns but you still murder the people by cutting off their life line. Neither of you have been responsible, in fact, the people are beginning to wonder whether you even know what the word 'responsibility' and 'essential' means.
Essentials come from the heart not the head. Those that are compelled by love that comes from the heart would never ever murder anyone. Everyone deserves a fair trial whenever possible. However, as I discovered recently, now people are judged 'guilty' by the 'guilty' without even hearing any evidence. 
How any court of law can ask for a plea prior to hearing the evidence of any case; is far below my comprehension of what true democracy and justice is all about. When a court of law is not even prepared to hear the nature of arrest of any individual, it screams of a totalitarian state. 
So no David Cameron, we do not have the same values as Obama, America and nor do we share yours either. Remember this the British people do not dance in the streets when others are murdered and that is the big difference between the UK and America. 

If you knew anything about values, you would also know that values of every individual are different to each other. The values of the people also change at different times in their lives. Usually, the older one gets the more refined and define the values become. Of course, you are still young in terms of the wisdom gained from the experience of being a true statesman. 

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