Monday, 30 May 2011


After we wrote the last post in response to 'Kalamity Kool', Abba responded 'Nebulous' and it means 'Cloud' and it means to have a characteristic of a 'Nebulla' without form or limits. Indeed, healing as no limits on helping a person to ascend out of earthly realities. There are many heavens within.

The Nebula in space as been called the 'eye of God' since 2003. There is also a group called Nebulus and they changed their name to ALPHAZONE. Excellent name for a group.

Alpha, is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and it became the letter A. In the English dictionary it means the 'First One', 'The Beginning'. However, in spiritual terms ABC is the beginning of the spiritual path home to God, the beginning of the ascent of the tree of life, begins with healing.

In Chemistry, it is the first position from a designated carbon atom in an organic molecule at which an atom or radical may be substituted. Good one, healing is an excellent substitute for radicals that spend their lives worshipping and prostrating. Healing benefits the organic molecules. We also know scientifically that Reiki healing provides at least 30% more oxygen to the blood.

In Astronomy, it is the brightest and or main star in the constellation. Alpha Centauri. However, although it as one name, it is not one star, it is three.

One can also find alpha in mathematics, and it is to do with measures and a return on security. How does healing give a return? Healing redeems the soul's consciousness and the more that people heal themselves the more safe and secure they feel, to the point that people can become dauntless the more that they heal themselves. Healing is related to the measure of the spiritual law of cause and effect and in my experience it is only through healing that people break the never ending cycles of the status quo.

In education A, is the highest grade and in physics we find the alpha particle. It can also relate to the crystalline structures of a solid, alpha iron. In Hebrew it is the letter ALEPH and in the original pictographs it is an ox that means a 'leader' or 'chief'. However, the Jewish sages define the Aleph as being, thousand, teaching, master. Its also as the gematria value of ONE.

Why a thousand? Again it is to do with the spiritual law. Hence, why the Avalokitesvara as a 1,000 arms and a thousand eyes. She can see and do things that others cannot see or do, famous for the lotus flower.
She is the 'Lord that looks down' and tomorrow's partial solar eclipse is the eclipse 'Looking down the nose eclipse'. She embodies the compassion of all Buddha's and is also known as Quan Yin, the goddess of mercy and compassion.

One can understand healing as the universal gateway for all beings of all cultures and nations.

So why did the orthodox bury the power of healing that enables you to become masters of all realities?

They would be out of a job,

Are you in the Alphazone?


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