Friday 26 November 2010


Indigenous Sovereignty Week 2010: Indigenous resistance and revival
November 21-27, 2010
Events Organized in:
- Ottawa (October 27 – November 4)
- Victoria
- Vancouver
- Prince George
- Edmonton
- Winnipeg
- Sault Ste. Marie
- London
- Toronto
- Montreal
- Esgenoopetitj
…and others TBA
Called by Defenders of the Land last year, the first Indigenous Sovereignty Week was a huge success, taking place in 2 dozen cities, towns, and communities across Canada. Building on that success, and a year that has seen continuing land-based struggles to defend Indigenous lands and rights, and growing mobilization for Indigenous rights in cities, Defenders of the Land is calling for a second Indigenous Sovereignty Week to take place in communities across Canada from November 21-27.
Communities and groups should organize their own events according to their capacity; this may mean holding Indigenous Sovereignty Week at a different time. Defenders of the Land may be able to provide materials for presentation, and may be able to make available or facilitate contact with speakers.
We have in mind that this work will reach different audiences: Indigenous people living in communities, urban Indigenous people, and non-Indigenous people living in cities and towns. Events may take place on campuses, in community centres, in schools, or other locations.
The purpose of this week is to build local relationships between groups and individuals, disseminate ideas of Indigenism, and generally, contribute to building a cross-Canada movement for Indigenous rights, self-determination, and justice that is led by Indigenous communities but with a broad base of informed support.
There will be a range of events, including speaking events, cultural or arts events, and ceremony where appropriate. Speakers will include activists and leaders of struggles, elders, Indigenous intellectuals, and supporters.

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