Saturday 12 March 2011

The Red Sports Car

One day, I woke up and I was being given a large RED SPORTS car wrapped up in PINK ribbons. My immediate feeling was that I could not accept such a gift. 

I then asked 
'How much is it worth?" 

I was told 2 million. 

I responded I could not accept it. 

I could not accept a gift of such a high value. 

In the days that followed, I pondered upon why I could not accept the gift and the blessing that I was being given. 

I realized that it was about 
SELF WORTH and the gift of the car that I refused to accept on that day, was showing me that I had more work to do on worthiness. 

I then posed the question to others and asked them to tell me their worth as a teaching for them. 

Of course the correct response is

People are worth much more than they know, and often accept, because spiritual people have 

been told to be humble and be in humility to man. This co-created a road block for the people
on the way home to God, and made them like lambs led to the slaughter house, hitting their 
own heads on brick walls. 

Self-empowerment is awesome, it does not mean that you put yourself above the Creator, 

it means you rise up to meet him self-empowered, the great souls that you can become. 

It means moving from being to 
BECOMING all that you can be, so that you can reach 

your limitless potential. 

As Christ said '
I am humble in heart'. However, that did not mean that he was humble 

to anyone that wished to control or dominate him. He stood tall, in honor of his God, 
and he did not shy away from the truth of his reality of the Spirit. 

When you are empowered enough to walk in the Masters sandals, and have passed with 

flying colours, then you are sent to Israel to help the Jewish people, the Master then walks 
in your sandals on the mountain of the prophets. 

In my experience you can be given other missions prior to that, because it is all part of 
your divine training, your preparation and your test of devotion and dedication to the 
will of God. 

I was given many missions prior to being sent to Israel. The first mission I was given 
was to promote spiritual people and help them with their careers. Then I was sent on 
the first mission abroad and then a I was given the mission with the children. 

After that I was sent on more missions abroad prior to Israel coming into my reality. 
After Israel came more missions abroad and now we are getting ready for what 
lays ahead. 

May the will of God be done. 

Blessings in abundance 


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