Thursday 2 September 2010

SACRED FIRE - Native Americans wrote in Hebrew

Following on from the Yakama post on the ELIAKIM blog. This video from Glen Beck is also worthy to note on the Native Americans artifacts that have Hebrew writing.

Also interesting that it was put on a black stone. Glen also mentions and recommends a book called 'SACRED FIRE' by Peter Lillback.

A book that sets the records straight. 

On Glen Beck's website it states "Our churches stand for nothing, many of them. I'm begging preachers, you are about to lose religious freedom. You must go out — America, I want you to buy this book today. This is George Washington's Sacred Fire. I got it last week. It's by Peter A. Lillback. I think it's been out for, since 2006. Sacred Fire. Go out and buy this book today. Get on Amazon and buy it today. Sacred Fire. You will understand the relationship of God and our founders. This guy and the co writer, Jerry Newcombe, what this is is they said all of these scholars, all these books, "Oh, they're just atheists, they're deists, they're this, they're there. They went back and said, really? What did the author say? He couldn't find this in any of his words. Here's 1500 times they said these words. It is such a clear distilled picture of the faith of George Washington." [1]


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