Saturday 4 September 2010

Latin America defend

Precious ones of Latin America, defend your cultures, lands and natural resources. This wonderful song from Michael Jackson was set in Latin America for good divine purpose. 'They don't really care about us". That is so true, those that wish to take the natural resources of the indigenous peoples don't care at all. They don't care about the children, or the future of humanity on this planet.

However, we care and God cares about YOU!

Children of God, Abba is with YOU!

Come Latin America Come......

Why isn’t someone getting these 33 miners out of the mine?
In South America, a Mine of Riches and an Economic Sinkhole
Published: September 11, 2010
"THIS week, Chile will mark the bicentennial of its independence with pride in how far it has come in 200 years, but with a shadow over the celebration. Unforgotten will be 33 miners who have been trapped a half-mile underground by a shaft collapse for more than a month. Copper mining has always helped to define Chile, and the country has united in its determination to save these men.
But they most likely will not see the light of day for three more months, until a rescue shaft can reach them, and so they stand as a constant reminder, just off center stage, of how dependent Chile remains on exports of natural resources as the principal engine of its economy.

This is a core problem, now and into the future, that Chile shares with its South American neighbors — the inability to break free of the shackles of commodities exploitation, which provides their livelihoods but leaves them perennially vulnerable to boom-and-bust cycles and wild currency fluctuations. It also consumes capital that might be used to develop higher-revenue, and more stable sources of wealth, like manufacturing.

And in some ways, the recent breakout development of other lands, principally China, may only make the trap harder to escape. As it rapidly industrializes and becomes a sophisticated exporter of manufactured goods, China has developed a seemingly insatiable appetite for the kinds of raw goods that South America produces — soybeans from Brazil and Argentina; iron ore from Brazil; copper from Chile; oil from Brazil, Venezuela and others." [1]

Latin America it is really important that you defend your natural resources and do not give it away...


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