Saturday 31 July 2010


Imagine a world where all the prosperous and educated Africans returned to raise their people up.

Imagine a world where all the educated Pakistani's returned with their medical qualifications to help raise their people up out of poverty. Imagine if all the Indians did the same.

Imagine a world where all the educated Muslims returned to their native lands to eradicate oppression and raise the women and children up in equality.

Imagine a world where Europeans returned to stop the cultural genocide.

Imagine a world where people value the indigenous peoples and right to be meek without materialism.

Imagine a world where people exalt children in equality.

Imagine a world where men put their women above their heads.

Imagine a world where people and business put children and the future of humanity first.

Imagine a world where people put children first and above their religious beliefs.

Imagine a world where people heal themselves of their wants, needs and desires ensuring they go into the caring profession for the right reasons.

Imagine a world where children are allowed to follow their hearts and do the degrees that they wish instead of doing what their parents choose for them.

Imagine a world of givers that are selfless.

Imagine a world of righteous souls that do what is right and just, living in harmony with the spiritual law of the cosmos.

Imagine a world of healed souls that are an asset to humanity and a gift from God.

Imagine a world where there is no pain and suffering due to souls healing the self.

Imagine a world where there is no poverty because everyone is helping each other.

Imagine a world where every single person adopts a stranger to help them.

Imagine a world filled with peace, love and holiness.

Imagine a world that blossoms with a new tree of life.

Imagine a world where 85% of disease is eradicated due to people healing their mind, body and souls.

Imagine a world that is graceful and merciful like God.

Imagine a world of unconditional love and compassionate action.

Imagine a world of healers and the power of its love.

Imagine a planet that is allowed to blossom ecologically, saving our trees, rain forests and replenishing what humanity takes.

Imagine being an asset to humanity instead of a liability.

Imagine the accounts with God being in the black and not in the red.

Imagine the accounts with God showing no loss only prophets.

Imagine the accounts with God being in balance and harmony.

Imagine a world that shares beyond measure willingly in harmonic concordance with the divine plan.

Imagine a world that does the will of God.

Imagine a world without oppressors, controllers, dominators and despots.

Imagine a world where there was no tax on labour.

Imagine a world where every child is allowed to live in spiritual independence.

Imagine a world where everyone is free to be who they wish to be as long as they do no harm to others.

Imagine a world that is God's perfect creation because man as allowed it to be.

Imagine a world where man learns from nature instead of destroying it.

Imagine a world that is heavenly and divine.

Imagine a world that reaches its fullest spiritual potential in the here and now.

Imagine a world where every child finds the genius within.

Imagine a world that lives in freedom and liberty.

Just imagine what a world it would be.

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