Sunday 1 August 2010

Millions of SeaShells Pakistan

Millions of sea shells are arriving on the Pakistani beaches covering them daily. The lady on this video mentions Clifton Beach, Karachi. There have also been a couple of crop circles in England in recent days with shells in them. One of the crop circles was at Silbury Hill and the other at the White Horse.

Shells are for healing and Quan Yin likes to work with shells. You place the shell over the heart and send healing energy through the shells for healing the heart of emotion. The shells must be as fresh as possible from the beach to benefit from their healing qualities and vibrations.  Millions of shells arriving in Pakistan daily would indicate that a lot of healing of the people is required in that country. As we know Pakistan is an Islamic country.

Quan Yin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion and Mercy, divine mother of the East,  is also a patron of mothers, children, the sea and sailors.

The lady on the video also claims that dolphins have been beaching as well. Dolphins are symbolic of unconditional love, so again the Dolphins are doing their best to reach the hearts of the people of Pakistan. Dolphins are also related to the thymus level of consciousness of 'I ACCEPT' its chakra is said to be the colour of the sea and it also represents transformation.

As we know acceptance is a big one for many Muslims and Islam, so may they consider deeply what they are being asked to accept into their lives.

There have also been some crop circles in England recently related to acceptance numerically.

May the healing begin


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