Thursday 1 July 2010

Angel of Death of the old way of being

If you are interested in Angelic lore then I recommend 'A Dictionary of Angels' by Gustav Davidson. [1] However, experience of angels and archangels is supreme. Today, someone was asking about the Angel of Death and here is our response.

Azrael (Azrail, Ashriel, Azriel, Azaril, Gabriel, etc - whom God helps) In Hebrew and Islamic lore, the angel of death is stationed in the 3rd heaven. [1]

As the Christ said 'The Kingdom of God is within YOU". 

There are many heavens within prior to ascending into the Kingdom of God.  The angel of death is not about death of the physical it is about death of an old way of being on the return to sacredness. 

One can think of it in terms of the end of the human self controlling the divine self. e.g the battle within comes to an end. The most influential text on that battle is the Hindu Gita. 

The NT also mentions the third heaven. 

I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know—God knows. 2 Corinthians 12:2

In Islamic lore, Azrael is another form of Raphael and Raphael is the Archangel of Healing. So one can understand Azrael in terms of when the healing of self begins thats when people transcend out of the old way of being. The death of the old self that is only concerned with the materialistic aspects of life. 

Gustav Davidson (Dictionary of Angels) wrote that in the book of protection he is one of three holy angels (the other two being Gabriel and Michael) invoked in Syriac charms. In the complete works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, he is pictorially represented with King Solomon entering a "Rajah of Hindostan". 

Azrail the other name in Arabic lore, a guardian angel invoked in rites of exorcism. [1] So one can understand it as removing the demons within. e.g fear and the root causes of any core issues. 

The more people heal themselves the lighter they feel and the higher they fly e.g ascend out of the old way of being. Teaching the soul to fly out of lower levels of consciousness. As the Christ said 'There is a light in the centre of man and if he does not shine there is darkness". That darkness is the product of what people hold inside e.g. root causes of core issues. 

The Dead Sea scrolls also talk about the two spirits of man. 

"He assigned to man two spirits with which he should walk. They are the spirits of truth and falsehood, truth born out the spring of light, falsehood from the well of darkness. The Dominion of all the children of Truth is in the hands of the Angels of Light so they walk in the ways of the Light. The spirits of truth and falsehood struggle within the heart of man, behaving with wisdom and folly. And accordingly as a man inherits truth so will he avoid darkness."

"Blessings on all that cast their lot with the Law, they walk truthfully in all their ways. May the Law bless them with all good and keep them from all evil and illumine their hearts with insight into the things of life and grace them with knowledge of things eternal'.

                        From "The Manual of Discipline".
                        of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Of course that was their belief system. However, modern day one can understand the falsehood that comes when people have not healed themselves; because root causes of core issues create perceptions of reality that have no basis in reality of that which is real and divine. Everything that is divine is of goodness and light. Buddha, Plato and the Christ knew this well and that is why they taught people to remove the demons from within so that they could access their original goodness.

That is another reason why the Christ told people to remove the plank out of their own eye so that they could then see truth and not perception of reality, for beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The more beautiful your vision the more beautiful divine beings you can see and experience.

True beings of light will not show themselves to you if they know it will trigger the darkness within you. However, lower vibration energies like your deceased parents do try to contact many of their loved ones and this can create chaos if they are not experienced at communicating with the earthly realm.

A lady suddenly started seeing demonic faces after she began her healing journey, I scanned her and all I could feel was her fear. I asked her if she had been bereaved recently. She admitted that she had, both her parents had died within a short space of time. I advised her that her parents were trying to contact her and communicate with her. She then went to see a medium so that they could have that contact. After that she never ever saw demonic faces again. She was not fearful anymore and after that she just used to feel a gentle feather stroking her face. As we know the feather is a symbol of the angels although she felt it was her parents stroking her face.

The more people heal themselves the more beauty they are blessed to see.

In biblical times it was believed that angels existed before the creation of the world [1] and one can view that in various ways including prior to planet earth being created. In Job 38 it talks about the different dimensions, and one can also understand that in terms of the different realities and states of existence. It also mentions the cornerstone that is symbolic of Spiritual Independence. It states that the wicked are denied the light and the wicked were those that did not live in harmony with the spiritual law.


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