Sunday 21 February 2010

Supreme Love Rises with the Sun of Aquarius

This article was inspired a few years ago and it wasn't distributed for publication at that time. It feels appropriate to share this with you now. 

Supreme love rises
with the Sun of Aquarius

After the fall of consciousness humanity divided into hunter and the hunted. We are being asked to break down these archetypes that are buried deep within human consciousness. Archetypes are inherited patterns of thought, symbolic imagery that is derived from the past collective experience.  The victim and the perpetrator, the judge and the accused, the strong and the weak, the powerful and the powerless, men from mars and women are from Venus, man being the breadwinner and woman the receiver. All are part of duality and the polarity of fallen consciousness. Many aeons ago, we were enlightened spiritual beings living in paradise, spiritual beings knowingly living a human experience in oneness with each other and the planet on which we lived.

Humanity is crying out for peace and an end to poverty and injustice.  A world fit for the children of the future, a planet that is worthy to be inhabited by the most gracious and merciful human beings.  We are being called once more to raise our consciousness, be kind to each other and create new relationships with the self, the rest of humanity and this precious planet.

Those that read this have the opportunity to finally break the wheel of karma, created by the fall and the archetypes thereof.  The archetypes that typecast and keep us trapped in unconscious behaviour patterns that no longer serve us, it is our destiny pre-chosen by us pre-destination.

It is wonderful that the New World Children are part of the process of ensuring these archetypes come apart at the seams. They will not accept being labelled, boxed, re-shaped, controlled or dominated. Their role is mighty indeed, teaching humanity the importance of equality, freedom, uniqueness, unconditional love, compassion, peace and liberation. Respect is a state of being but to honour another means to pay homage to other’s sacred divinity. When we treat a child as our equal in all respects, we gain a treasure chest of wisdom that brings greater awareness and awakening to the importance of this journey we all share here on earth. A community of people sharing one heart and one planet all connected in the great scheme of life experience and group consciousness.

Changing the face of humanity

In this golden Age of Aquarius, relationships will indeed change. Co-dependency, the hunter and the hunted; and with it, the wars between the sexes, religions and nations will indeed become a thing of the past, ending their life in the memory of history and the mist of time.

Our very nature is changing as we allow our human selves to become truly divine once more. As our nature and consciousness changes so does our existence, relationships and planet. I am aware that for some people, it is hard to imagine that during the next 200 years planet earth will become a paradise and Kingdom of Love. However, people will heal their fears and their neediness for material things, a nanny state to protect them and the need for other people to make them feel safe and secure. They will become aware and realise that happiness is not outside of the self, and no external means can truly fulfil them if they have not found true happiness within. Desire and selfishness is the root cause of poverty and all pain and suffering.  Humanity is re-discovering that the power of love and light is more powerful then the love of power and the darkness of negativity.

Control and domination of children, individuals, partners and nations is being recognised as simply repeating the history of misqualified energies that is creating disease, disharmony and planetary imbalance. Control and domination of nature always backfires eventually, through the first principle of cause and effect, nations destroy themselves with their own hands.  People destroying themselves with their own negativity, beliefs and thought led-emotion.  When scientists attempt to control nature, our planet gives a torrid ecological, biological or energetic response.  We will have to accept this harsh reality; that we cannot control the forces of nature, although we can damage them and ourselves by attempting to do so. The root of the old tree of knowledge that created self interest, capitalism, religion and selfish life is being destroyed brick by brick, man hungers to be free of living in a hamster wheel of never ending taxes, high pressure, poverty, war and disease. Wounded leaders using money to squeeze the life and blood out of every human being. The hunter and the hunted has certainly created a crazy mixed up world, a place where children take drugs, alcohol, self harm and commit suicide, wishing to escape the illusion of the harsh reality they find in every dark corner of their own minds.

Synthesis relationship in unity consciousness, the splendour of true love.

Let us turn now to the new leaf that we are turning over, and the power of Uranus that will help us to break free from the constraints and archetypes that have bound us to old philosophies and outdated systems in science, biology, physics, psychology, health, education, politics, religion and society as a whole. 

This new aeon gave birth to an acorn of love, the seed that is growing into the new tree of life.  It is symbolic of the Age of Aquarius and in its synthesis; it predicts great promise of the Age of Enlightenment becoming a reality for each and every person that wishes to enjoy its fruit. A new species of human being is being created due to the super consciousness of positive progressive thinking, unconditional love, compassionate action and relentless zeal. It heralds the end of the world as we have known it in the past millennia – it paves the way for real and sustainable change unthinkable and unimaginable in the past. 

The revolutionary change and radical idealism will create serious birth pains for those that resist the changes that are inevitable – one cannot stop the ocean waves or the carrier of supreme love and its principles, it is our destiny.

A deviation from conformity in preference for innovation, originality and freedom of spirit, will be the hallmarks of the new relationships that will grow during this new phase of the growth and evolution of humanity and its consciousness. An age when there will be more humanitarians then capitalists, more peace makers then peace keepers, more good Samaritans than those that need our help. A time when the light of love overcomes and consumes any darkness - wherever it is found.

This supreme love is not lustful, slushy, emotionally needy or based upon insecurity. As we leave the desires and emotions behind us by purifying them through healing, we finally shake off the last of the dregs of the attachments and life experience born in the age of Pisces and before.

Aquarius is the light of the mind, like-minded people being systematically drawn together by the energy of their charisma, pure intention, intuition and powerful magnetism that brings clarity, integrity, transparency, equality, friendship and partnerships that engage for a higher and common purpose.

Individuals that share the same core values, ideals and passions, they can stand independently of each other due to their own self-mastery and self- discipline. The gentle ease of the new Love relationships will have a profound depth of loyalty, trust and unconditional love. They are supportive and inter-dependent in total equality, more centred on the collective than the personal.  They will challenge anything that smacks of tradition, repression or authority. So doing one’s own thing within these new types of relationships is going to test old dogma and beliefs of what is normal. The Aquarian relationships will be totally unique, adventurous, and expansive. The movers and shakers far sighted free thinkers, standing for truth and promoting new social visions, leaders with the lion heart of the humanitarian. Communicating on a totally different level playing field, intuitively, sentiently, sensitively, touching each soul with a sense of true connectedness with heart felt messages.

These new relationships and the engagement with supreme love, will start slowly as we move forward to a higher level of consciousness, moving our energy into our hearts of tender loving care, giving and sharing in communities that are engaged in unity consciousness of social conscience and human rights. An ecological, holistic living experience in both work and play, engaging with each other, the children, our homes, our people and our planet.

The gift of our hearts will be love beyond measure and this love union of people in universal love will be truly splendid to witness. Aquarius is an air sign and will bring constant change.  Compare the aeroplane and a space rocket with a boat and you will appreciate the speed at which humanity is now travelling. For the Grace of GOD let us go high, onwards and upwards, our hearts are in flight!  Yes, true love is a many splendored thing in thought, word and deed. Love is nature's way of giving human kind a reason to be living; it can make your heart sing and your soul fly!

It is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Let your actions be for love and life for the new children of your world. Put aside any grievances that man might have for the benefit of the children and the future of planet earth.

Truly a common purpose for a Love Union, the Light will prevail and love will enter every door - the new dawn is here; the sun is rising inside every heart with the warmth and sincerity of supreme love.

Love beyond measure 


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