Rest in peace Amy Winehouse, may your love and life not be in vain. May the young ones learn from you what drugs and drink can do to a person, including the music business. Our heart and condolences go out to her family and friends at this time.
I must admit, I had never heard of Amy, because I don't read the tabloids or watch TV. May the tabloids also learn from this. Amy's Fans are already discussing the impact that the media had on her life, and how much money they've made out of her demise. When a person clearly requires medical treatment, when and where does the media draw the line?
On top of her health issues that include self-harming, depression, an eating disorder, compounded by drugs and drink. There was media pressure and music company pressure on a very fragile soul. There was even an injunction against the paparazzi under the "Protection from Harassment Act, 1997".
As we have told people in the past, a soul is like a flower and it can be crushed very easily. Hold souls gently in your hands, especially the feminine and children.
Amy Jade Winehouse - 14 September 1983 – 23 July 2011
On top of all of that, she was bereaved of a close family member in 2006. Its amazing that she could stand at all. Then the final straw, she breaks up with her long term boyfriend, who was a stable influence in her life. In addition, she was suffering from a breathing condition, emphysema and that can be very serious indeed. Its also worth looking at what as been said by a sculptor Marco Perego about her, and his art of her for professional purposes. If what is written is true on her profile, it is tantamount to a curse on her life.
Should it be legal for anyone to paint anyone they wish without permission professionally? Should it be legal for anyone to make a sculptor of a person that requires help in such a way? These are all questions that must be addressed in integrity, and the conscience of the heart. Do artists, photographers, journalists and authors have a conscience? Or does it evade them altogether, when their careers can piggy back, on the back of the success of another?
I say this because in the last week, I have been feeling doom of death on this planet, and I have picked up on people putting pins in dolls. The dolls that become celebrities, and idols for the young. Anyone that as ever been involved with the music business, on any level, is well aware how cut throat it is.
It is the last industry in the world that an innocent young child should ever be exposed too. Michael Jackson and Judy Garland are just two examples. Especially a person, that clearly had deep emotional issues, that have been unresolved. People like Amy, have been easy pickings for both the music and media industries. When will people get it, that 'People are not a commodity, without love they become so"?
It is clear from her last concert in Belgrade, that there is no way, that Amy should have been forced by bouncers to perform. Forcing an artist to perform, when they require medical treatment should come under the category of corporate manslaughter and criminal negligence. Who was her agent and who was her recording company? Who was responsible for her management and care? Apart from herself and family.
Her recording company appears to be Universal Music Group, a French owned group. Now this company are going to be signing artists from the new American Idol competition.
In March, Newscorp were trying to do a deal with Vevo and it is part owned by UMG. [4] I have just done a check on Amy on google. Prior to her passing, all the headliners about her life on the google front page, is the News of World and the Sun, Murdochs organization. Newscorp.
When does life become more important than money?
When will people, put people before profit?
When will the media and the music industry find its heart of conscience?
Love beyond measure Amy. I noticed the foxglove amongst the flowers in your garden outside your house in the photographs. May you rest, heal and come back refreshed in a new life at a new time, to sing again, and live a life being truly loved.
A foxglove for the young
May pink bells of love ring for you
After the greenfly post, I checked our other blog and on the 24th of May, 2011,
I was given the name JADE and I wrote this at the end of the post.
'Be Sensible, Be Jade, Be a Royal Gem for HaShem'.